Friday 30 March 2018

The problem of the Newtonian heart, mind and soul worldview

I've been thinking about hardliners - especially military authoritarians (the sort in the US military who were so ardently set on bombing as the only acceptable response to Cuban-Russian stupidity and provocation during the Cuban missile crisis, which was in good part triggered by the US stupidity of the Bay of Pigs  fiasco). It's easy to dismiss these people as shallow thinkers, but the facts are that they are capable of significant mental analysis and thinking - as shown by the ability of the US and similar military forces to get people to overcome the natural human reluctance to kill (something written about by Paul K. Chappell - or, for those who want a quick (ish) summary, in this video [esp. min. 15 - 23], but trigger warning for violence), and the articles on "War on the Rocks".

My view is that shallowness of thinking is not the problem here (I also dispute that they're "ignorant", which is a term used in the film "Bridge of Spies" that I have just re-watched - although they may, indeed, have been poorly educated by the system on law, human rights, what protecting a nation means, etc): my view is that the issue is a combination of improper viewing of reality (the sort of issue that is often described these days as a "filter bubble", and used to be described as "cherry picking" or "selective evidence - perhaps "flawed perception" is the best term), and taught worldviews - specifically, a (to use a philosophical term) worldview that, in my terms, applies Newtonian physics to thinking and feeling - to heart, mind and soul.

In the Newtonian heart, mind and soul worldview (which I will refer to as "Newtonian non-physical worldview" for the - slight - convenience of my aged fingers), if someone is doing something is harmful (such as, say ... taking drugs) you apply a more or less equal (or overwhelmingly larger) and opposite force to stop them - for instance, sending kids to boot camps, or interventions, or, ultimately, locking them up "for their own good" - NONE of which addresses the cause for the drug-taking, and thus not only fails to help, but adds additional damage from the way that the person has been treated.

In the real world, providing psychological help will often (not always - and that MUST be acknowledged), which is utterly bewildering and mystifying to the person with the Newtonian world view: in their mind, how can a change happen when no force has been applied?

The problem, when dealing with an adult who has a Newtonian worldview, is: how do you convince them that gentle techniques can and do work - that love is greater than violence, and a non-Newtonian worldview is MORE effective on thoughts and feelings?

Incidentally, the subtext that often goes with this, and is often not acknowledged, is proving to them that violence is harmful - consider, for instance, the late middle aged person who says "well smacking me never did any harm!": you have to convince them that it does do harm (e.g., it perpetuates domestic violence, which is now seen as unacceptable in many places in the world - not all, though), and that INEVITABLY means you have to address the issue of possibly criticising their character, which may be repressed and lacking in demonstrativeness as a result, as not good.

Before going what to do about that, I would like to briefly move on to the issue of how they wound up like that. I suspect that parents are most commonly blamed for this affliction, but there are other likely more significant influences:
  • peers and fiends (I recall posting a link to a news article quite some time ago at my main blog about this possibly being more influential than parents)
  • what people bring into their life from previous incarnations (which is a feature of my worldview, and a key part of main blog; this is also one of the many reasons I refuse to use the blanket statement "I like kids" is that not all kids are basically good - some are born inherently nasty [true psychopaths], and others are made that way [sociopaths], perhaps by scarred parents who found themselves as parents largely because of moronic social pressure ["oh you've got to have kids - it's wonderful"] or religious stupidity [such as telling teenagers "just say no"]);
  • life events (especially anything which can scar a vulnerable young person); and 
  • inadequate teachers.
Now, apart from the issue I raised earlier of many people not being taught the basics of law, human rights, what protecting a nation means, etc, in many societies, kids go to school, and teachers are their first outside-of-family role models. The potential problem there is (on the basis of my experience) most teachers are focused on the imparting of knowledge and skills, and do not adequately acknowledge the fact that they can and do shape personality - even teachers who have socially progressive views ... perhaps especially those ones, as my experience of many of them is that they naively subscribe to the "oh the little darlings are all innocent and pure when they're born" rubbish - which denies those who need help acknowledgement and support that they so desperately need.

Now, teachers need far more support and resourcing (I consider they should have the highest paid jobs in society), but they must also acknowledge what it is that they're doing, which is more than the Newtonian non-physical worldview of inculcating the 3Rs and their modern equivalent: it is SHAPING young people, as people.

(I also consider that funding for schools should be based on NEED, not rewarding the already successful - which compounds social disadvantage.)

Going back to the adult with a Newtonian non-physical worldview, I'd like to return to the topic of what to do with them (and they're often too influential, so just ignoring them isn't an option, as that allow the world to continue experiencing ever increasing suffering at the hands of their blindness). Their flawed perception may well be based on socialisation (including family-sized socialisation) that could be compared to brainwashing, and they may well be emotionally stunted (or even crippled) to the extent that they seem impossible to deal with, but, at the end of this incarnation, they do NOT wink out of existence (yes, as I have already indicated, my non-physical worldview includes survival after death AND reincarnation): their soul continues, and will be reincarnated. Attempting to get them to change will benefit:
  • them, possibly in this life, but quite possibly more so in future lifetimes (incarnations)
  • the people around them / influenced/harmed by them; and 
  • the person/people trying to get them to change (one can get to a kill level where the best way to learn more is to try to teach it - something I can vouch for from sailing and many other areas of my life)
(There are no doubt other benefits - just as there cautionary notes to take into consideration as well, such as not compromising or exhausting oneself.)

So, what to do?

Well, I suggest (and you are free to disagree with this):
  • calm, well-researched and prepared, and PERSISTENT education; 
  • better advocacy, advocacy which acknowledges the sorts of issues raised in this post, and aims to convince people like those I am writing about, rather than "preaching to the converted"
  • guidance that the targeted people will respond to as to why their perceptions are flawed - the sort of guidance that veterans gave on the Viêt Nám War to other military people, for instance;  
  • whilst remembering that the people you are seeking to change may well be damaged, not being so naïve as to think they will be timid, or that they won't fight back, or that they will easily acquiesce;
  • adaptation to responses to the above points, and then persisting with efforts - remember, you are planting seeds that may take decades to flower, which is a reason to be as respectful and non-patronising of them as you can (while making sure you defend and protect yourself against them); and 
  • as much self-care as is needed to avoid errors such as responding angrily to baiting, or becoming damage oneself by contact with these flawed human beings.
I wish you good reflections, consideration, and advocacy. May we together make the world and the people in it a better place.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Qatar worker abuse and US religious abuse

Not that long ago I read an opinion that it takes three generations to change a nation from tyranny to democracy - which is the time and rate of change to create a culture where democracy is accepted as the norm. In light of that, could one of the reasons Qatar is experiencing so much abuse of workers the fact that it outlawed slavery only in 1970, which is only two generations ago?

I also recently watched a documentary on the life of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, a UN diplomat who may have been able to bring some sanity to the mess in Iraq at an early stage, but was murdered by violent extremists for his work in helping Timor Leste to become a free nation. After the attack, Sergio was buried in rubble, but still alive: two US soldiers attempted to help him; one of those soldiers was a neochristian (I make a difference between neochristian and Christian, and that US soldier was definitely in the category of the former) fanatic, telling everyone that god/JC loved them etc. This caused considerable anger on the part of Sergio - as it would to me, and anyone else who wasn't a neochristian. Sergio died, and all that fanatic could think of was to lame Sergio for "not having faith", when the fanatic's upsetting of Sergio could well be a major factor in him succumbing. This behaviour, which - in my opinion - showed the sorts of fanaticism that violent extremists make a show of having, also brought to mind the (tedious) US film "Gods and Generals", about some key people in the US civil war, which also showed extraordinary levels of neochristian fanaticism. For a nation that bleats so much about being the land of the free, it certainly lacks that when it comes to religion.

I'm a Pagan, and I have often thought about making sure that minority religions have the same exposure in government and education: that neochristian fanatical US soldier has helped me settle firmly in the keep religion out of governance (but make sure the minority religions have equal exposure, which is not the case in most of the interfaith/multifaith work I have been involved with).