Wednesday 31 August 2022

R.I.P. Mikhail Gorbachev

The world is a lesser place for the passing of Mikhail Gorbachev - a man who played a key role in the ending the Cold War, and - perhaps accidentally - the USSR.  He was, IMO, an infinitely better person than the drunkard Yeltsin who followed him, although he also a flawed human being. 

Flawed, but he tried to do what was best - he was the man in the arena, in Theodore  Roosevelts terminology; he had a go, in Australian vernacular

And to a significant extent, he succeeded, although the former USSRs transition to democracy was ruined by others. 

For more, see: 

PS - see also this, on Maria “Manana” Aslamazyan,described as one of Glasnost’s staunchest defenders(Glasnost being the truth and openness movement started by Gorbachev) who died on the same day as Gorbachev

Saturday 27 August 2022

Cracking prejudices vs. cracking an atom

I recently came across the journalism of I.F.  Stone, and I am staggered by his prescience and insight.

In article published on 12th August, 1945, about the end of World War (part) Two, he wrote:

But it is harder to break a prejudice than an atom.

Now, this has been attributed to Einstein, but the basis for doing so is unclear. It seems that Izzy Stone wrote the above just days after the nuclear  bombings of Hiroshima  and  Nagasaki, so Ill go with Mr Stone as the source. 

In any case, it is well worth a thought or two. 

A lot of Mr Stones journalism seems to be worth a thought or two - or more. 

On 1st November, 1954, Mr Stone wrote of Indias proposal, conceived by then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal  Nehru and delivered to the UN General Assembly by Krishna  Menon, for a pause in nuclear testing - something that was later to become the (partial) nuclear  test  ban treaty. In the article, Mr Stone writes: 

Menon uttered what may prove to be the prophetic epitaph of our civilization when he said use of H-bombs would prove suicide for the nations who used them,genocide for those against whom they were used, and infanticide for posterity.

I.F. Stone also wrote of a powerful bias against the USSR during the founding of the United Nations organisation in an article titled Organization for Peace . . .  or Against the Soviet Union, dated 4th May, 1945. 

Ive come across writings about that bias elsewhere, including assessments of the militarised distortion of George  Keenan's democracy-based (as yesterdays news post quoted: to defeat autocracy, weaponise transparency (WotR)) containment  doctrine, but, with the benefit of hindsight, I consider Mr Stones attitudes towards the USSR and Stalin unduly generous: the Cold War was quite hot in some parts of the world. (PS - in later articles, he was critical.)

The collected writings at the link above are still worth a read and a think, though, in my opinion. 

Over to you, Dear Reader.


Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following: 

  • fair, just and equitable peace is good and beneficial; 
  • decision making needs to be well informed (adequately and accurately so) and free of biases;

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider: 

  • I am relying of the Internet sources I can access, and have done what I can to check these. My checks may be inadequate, and the sources may therefore be wrong;
  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend to Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking”.


Some human rights and other news links and thoughts

Black Lives Matter! Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist, and Actively Inclusive in ALL Areas.
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

The Pandemic is Real, and Vaccinations save lives. Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

Some mostly human rights (including significant, relevant links in other fields - such as geopolitics, democracy, or authoritarianism) links (note: the source of news items [but not reference links] is in brackets after each item - normal rules around abbreviations will apply, and abbreviations are listed at the end of this post; links behind hard paywalls have a [$]; also, comments by me are in purple)

Note: CONTENT WARNING - some of this content is about upsetting, disturbing or triggering events & attitudes. Seek competent help - including professional - if you need it. Content shown in green (which may be only part of a news story) is about what is generally considered good news”, but personal history may still make such events triggering. Reader caution is recommended.

  • on the CLIMATE CRISIS (noting the UNFCCC) and ENVIRONMENT (noting multiple  international agreements)
    • UN seeks plan to beat plastic nurdles, the tiny scourges of the oceans (TG);   living sea walls and kelp forests: the plans to lure marine life back to Sydney Harbour (TG);   the new forms of trauma being created by the climate crisis, and what we should do about it (M);   New Zealand's flood prone areas are not ready to cope with the climate crisis (TG);   as the Yangtze river in China dries up, stopping hydropower (TG) (and leading to attempts to use cloud seeding (F24)), a reflection on to what extent Europe's rivers and lakes can recover (DW);   a consideration of approaches to businesses that profit from activities that are causing the climate crisis (TC);   the climate crisis has led science to discover the exclamation mark! (TRF);   a critique of the harms done by poor privatisation (TG);   criticism of weakening of the plan to save the swift parrot (ABC);   Australia has taken a step backwards into fossildom (TC);   the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires damaged the ozone layer (ABC);   improved accessibility and 7-star energy efficiency standards approved for new homes (TG);  

    • climate / environmental issues have occurred in:   India (TRF); 

  • on the COVID-19 PANDEMIC (noting WHO advice, Article 12 of the ICESCR, and public emergency provisions of the ICCPR and the ICESCR) and other health matters
    • legal cases have confirmed the need for nuance when businesses apply vaccination policies (TC);  
  • on Rashist  Putin and his cronies ILLEGAL (it is contrary to Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charter  and international law [and the 1928 Pact of Paris which was successfully used in post-WW2 trials], and possibly includes conduct contrary to the "laws" of war and international humanitarian law (IHL)) INVASION of UKRAINE
    • on military matters:   after six months (DW) of Russian disarray (F24), the violence continues (TG) as Russia seeks to replenish its military (TG), and a warning not to forget the war is made, and five predictions are made (TG) and an article is published on lessons from the Crimean War of the 1850s (TG);   
    • on the nuclear (weapons and power) situations:   international law says nuclear power stations are not completely off limits;  Russia's latest plan to destroy the nuclear power station is to take if off line ... (TG) - which shelling has just done (TG);   the Belarusian air force s planes have been made nuclear-capable (R);  
    • on human rights in the region and globally:   allegations of mass abductions of children (there have been reports on this prior to now) (TG);  a questioning as to why is justice served for Ukraine but not for the DRC when it should be colour blind? (TG);   Ukrainian trials of POWs could be in breach of war crimes (UN);   the toxic environmental legacy of the war (F24);   the accumulating civilian harm caused by Russias continuing use of cluster munitions (HRW);  
    • inside Russia:   some Russians and Chinese are leaving - voting with their feet (CNN);  
    • internationally:   Germany is looking for alternatives to Russian gas (TG);   Sudan's junta is offering Russia more oil (DS);   Russia is hosting military games for its allies to show it is not a pariah state ... (F24);   
  • on INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (noting the UN Charter [particularly Chapters VI and VII] and numerous  international  treaties)
    • the fourth Taiwan Strait crisis is just starting  (WotR);   South Korea and the USA have commenced joint military drills (this happens regularly, but could they be a counter reaction to Chinese military drills near Taiwan? North Korea is, in some ways, a liability for China) (F24);   China is building more navy destroyers (TG);   China has provided 17 African nations with (minor) debt relief (Garowe  Online) on 23 interest-free loans in a move which may be motivated by debate over debt-traps (VoA) and/or seeking an opportunity for an argument against (Yahoo) Western bullying;   a critique of EU policies on Palestine (ICG);   India has dismissed three officers who accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan (TG);   an examination of why Russian disinformation has been so successful in West Asia (DW);   a critique of the new US policy towards sub-Saharan Africa (CSIS);  

    • noting particularly Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charter, the 1928 Pact of Paris used in post-WW2 trials, the "laws" of war and IHL and Article 20 of the ICCPR on WAR / CONFLICT:   any future conflict in the South China Sea could threaten 980% of our oil imports (so ... time to go green?) (TC);   fighting has resumed in northern Ethiopia (TG);   a call for caution around intervention in the DRC (ICG);  
  • on CORRUPTION (noting international  agreements and monitoring), MISGOVERNANCE, MAL-/MIS-/NON-FEASANCE and MISCONDUCT
  • on DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE (noting Article 25 of the ICCPR and monitoring  projects)
    • globally:   a suggestion as to five projects our civilisations needs to undertake for survival (M);   Colombias new President has taken conciliatory measures to try to restart peace talks with the largest remaining group of rebels (F24);   an opinion that the UK is experiencing a form of social collapse (M);   a critique of the politics of nostalgia and populism (PVG);   civilian resistance to disinformation (BAS);   to defeat autocracy, weaponise transparency (WotR) - see also this (MW);   a right wing media organisations defamation case against another media organisation might backfire (TG);  

    • in Australia:   a call to avoid falling behind in the global race for talent - and acceptance of more refugees (TA);   a suggestion to remedy dishonesty in political advertising (TC);   on our struggling medical systems: this (TC), this (TG), this (TG), and the importance of good GPs (they're not all equally skilled) (TG);   the Albanese government is continuing what appears to be its LGBTIQA+phobia by leaving LGBTIQA+ issues out of the forthcoming jobs and skills summit (OiP) - see also here, on the differences to the 1990s summit (TG), and here, on government employees (TC);   WA is inching towards the late 20th Century (OiP);   having to keep reapplying for positions is leading some teachers to leave - out of exhaustion (ABC);   our defence department has rejoined the late 20th century on diversity and inclusion (TG);   more on the bulk billing crisis (TG);   if productivity was the magical fix some claim, we wouldn’t need a jobs summit (TC);  

    • suppression of dissent / media in   Nigeria (VoA),   Russia (HRW),   Qld - see also here (Sky News),   USA (CNN) (TG) - but see also this response (RR),   Vietnam (HRW);
      democracy is also at risk in  
      Pakistan (F24),   USA (Texas) (TG),   USA (RR),   Hong Kong (HRW),   Thailand (SBS),   Angola (WSJ [$]); 

  • on HUMAN RIGHTS (noting the various rights and treaties summarised here, IHL, Article 5 of the Rome Statute founding the ICC)
    • Mexicos former attorney general [has been] arrested (BBC on YT) over (ABC) [the] disappearance of 43 students;   NSW police are continuing to misuse strip searches to create fear rather than address risks to safety (TG) - see also this (ABC);   the USAs CIA found NO evidence to support Israels actions against several Palestinian human rights organisations (TG);   a critique of both sides covering abuses in Xinjiang/East Turkmenistan in China (MW);   a nightclub is offering free drink lids to stop rampant drink spiking (TG);   a church has told its staff not to use a ride sharing service for ethical reasons (TG);   Colombias national police force will launch a training program with the help of the United States and United Nations meant to prevent abuses and human rights violations by cops (R);   a trial of an alleged human rights abuser is underway in Sudan (UN);   a call for a Special Rapporteur on Russia (HRW);   concerns over possible transphobia, racism, ableism and incompetence over the death of a Peruvian trans activist while in Balinese police custody (Yahoo);  
    • human rights are at risk or abuses have occurred in:   Scotland (TG),   Hong Kong (HRW),   Iran (UN),   Tajikistan (HRW),   Qatar (NBC News),   burma (DW),   Afghanistan (TG);

    • violence in:   Somalia (F24),   Syria (F24),   Mozambique (AP);

    • noting the GENOCIDE  Convention:   after five years, the continuing dire situation of Rohingya refugees (ICG);   an atrocity alert for Afghanistan, Ukraine and China (GCR2P);    

    • noting the conventions and the Global Compact on REFUGEES:   the Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh is failing (SBS);   a baby has died at a refugee centre in Europe (and many die in such centres outside of Europe, but without reporting) (TG);  

    • noting the Yogyakarta Principles on LGBTIQ+ PEOPLE:   Singapore will decriminalise gay sex but maintain its other LGBTIQA+phobias (TG);   “cis-gendered comfort is not more important than trans lives” (M);   an article by a respected non-binary Indigenous person pointing out that gender rigidity is a colonial imposition (Pipe Wrench);   more transphobic abuse of children in the USA (Star);   expected transphobia in Poland (TG);   moves towards supporting same sex relationships in Ukraine (TRF);   LGBT Russians are fleeing to safety (HRW);  

    • noting ICERD and DRIP on RACISM:   inadequate provision of housing causing overcrowding is an Indigenous health risk (SBS), but there is a plan in WA aiming to increase indigenous home ownership (ABC);   ‘you can’t just show up and start asking questions’: why researchers need to understand the importance of yarning for First Nations (TC);   call for free university degrees and interest-free mortgages for Indigenous Victorians (TG);   Sydney has rejected a proposal for a statue of an Indigenous woman (SBS);   “sacred Aboriginal sites are yet again at risk in the Pilbara. But tourism can help protect Australia’s rich cultural heritage (TC);   Closing the Gap: states and territories pledge to lift First Nations housing standards over the next decade (TG);  

    • noting CEDAW on SEXISM:    another misogynistic act by a Qld police officer has met with his colleagues disapproval and led to his resignation (;     a major US shopping chain will provide extended cover for employees who need to travel interstate for abortions (TG);   a criticism of criticism of Finlands PM (TG) - see also this (TBS);   people who work in industries with high levels of sexual harassment – including hospitality, retail, manufacturing and information – have a harder time identifying inappropriate workplace behaviour (MN);    

    • noting Article 8 of the ICCPR,   Article 6 of the CEDAW,   Articles 11, and 32 - 36 of the CRC,   Articles 16 and 27 (2) of the CRPD on SLAVERY:   a United Nations slavery expert has found claims of forced labor in East Turkistan (renamed Xinjiang) to be “reasonable,” in one of the clearest critiques of China’s human rights practices from within the world body (Eurasia Review);  

    • noting Articles 2 (1) (also noting this, this, this, and this), 3, 7, 14 (see here and here), 15, 16, and 26 of the ICCPR,   Articles 3, 5 (a), and 6 (see here and here) of the ICERD,   Articles 2, 12 (2), 37, 39, and 40 of the CRC,   Articles 5, 12, 13, and 14 of the CRPD,   and   Articles 1 - 2, 7 (2), 8 (2) (c), 9 - 10, 12 (2), 20 (2), 27, and 40 of the DRIP on the JUDICIARY / JUSTICE SYSTEM:   a security guard awaiting trial in Spain was allowed to have assisted dying before his victims could see him brought to justice (TG);   denial of fair trials to protestors in Tajikistan (HRW);   potentially a new precedent supporting legal action by families of sexual abuse victims (ABC);   

    • noting the CRPD on PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES:   having finally got funding, NDIS recipients then face a second struggle: to keep funding (TC);   the experience of a stutterer (TG);   

    • noting Articles 6 (1), 7, and 8 (see here) of the ICESCR,   Article 5 (e) (i) (ii) (see here and here) of the ICERD,   Article 11 (1) (a - c) of the CEDAW,   and   Article 27 (1) of the CRPD on WORK and FAVOURABLE WORK CONDITIONS:   a farming organisation wants farmers to pay their staff in part by food (TG) - which has been rightly criticised all round, including by farmers (TG);  

    • noting Article 6 (1) of the ICCPR,   Article 11 of the ICESCR,   Article 5 (e) (iii) (see here and here) of the ICERD,   Article 14 (2) (h) of the CEDAW,   Article 27 (3) of the CRC,   Article 28 of the CRPD,   and   Article 20 of the DRIP on FOOD, CLOTHING, and HOUSING:    some people are finding moving to Italy more affordable than buying a house in regional Victoria (ABC) - and an article on NSWs housing crisis (TG);   
  • on NATURAL and OTHER DISASTERS (noting Article 1(3) of the UN Charter)
    • scaled up aid for those affected by drought in the Horn of Africa (UN);   a truck has run into a car accident in Türkiye, causing 16 deaths (TND);   floods in the USA (TG) and (monsoonal) floods in Pakistan (CNN);   severe drought in China (F24);   a review of humanitarian aid and coordination in the Sahel (CSIS);   the theft of over half a million litres of fuel will stop the food aid programme in Ethiopia (UN);  
  • in what was, in my opinion, only a matter of time, the obviously dangerous stampedes of shoppers for specials at a number of shopping chains has led to legal action by one victim against one (TND); 
(Should you elect to write to your elected representatives or others on these matters, it may be useful to familiarise yourself with the links shown in blue - or to at least refer to them. Don't forget to CHECK whether your nation has RATIFIED the treaty concerned.)

Abbreviations:   Aeon Magazine - Aeon;   Africa Centre for Strategic Studies - ACSS;   Africa News - AN;   Al Jazeera - AJ;   Amnesty International - AI;   Associated Press - AP;   Australian Associated Press - AAP;   Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC;   Australian Independent Media Network - AIMN;   Bellingcat (B);   Bloomberg - BB;   Brisbane Times - BT;   British Broadcasting Commission - BBC;   Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - BAS;Cable News network - CNN;   Centre for Strategic and International Studies - CSIS;   Committee to Protect Journalists - CPJ;   Crikey - C [$];   Dabanga Sudan - DS;   Deutsche Welle - DW;   European Union - EU;   Forbes - F;   Foreign Policy - FP;   France 24 - F24;   Freedom House - FH;   Genocide Watch - GW;   Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect - GCR2P;   Human Rights Law Centre - HRLC;   Human Rights Watch - HRW;   International Crisis Group - ICG;   Lawfare Blog - LFB;   Lowy Institute - The Interpreter - Lowy;   Medium - M;   Michael West (news media platform) - MW;   Mirage News - MN;   National Indigenous Times - NIT;   New York Times - NYT [$];   News24;   Out in Perth - OiP;   Pearls and Irritations - PnI;   Political Violence at a Glance - PVG;   Politico - P;   Premium Times Nigeria - PT;   Radio France International - rfi;   Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE);   Reuters - R;   Robert Reich - RR;   (Bruce) Schneier - Sch;   Special Broadcasting Service - SBS;   Star Observer - Star;   Sudan Tribune - ST;   Sydney Morning Herald - SMH;   The Age - TA;   The Big Smoke (TBS);   The East African - TEA;   The Guardian - TG;   The Monthly - TM;   The New Daily - TND;   The Saturday Paper - TSP;   The Shot - TS;   Thomson Reuters Foundation - TRF;   United Nations - UN;   Voice of America - VoA;   Wall Street Journal - WSJ [$];   War on the Rocks - WotR;   Washington Post - WP [$];   Yahoo News - Yahoo; YouTube - YT;