Monday 8 August 2022

Accumulation of damage (~250 words, 1 - 2 min. read)

I’m currently reading the outstanding novel “Honor Bound - Sacrifices: Book Two” by Kat  Loveland (Amazon), and was struck the writing about the layers of life experience that we can accumulate, and that we sometimes need to unpick those layers to really remember and reconnect with who we are.

That same accumulation of damage happens in everyday life under the neoliberal capitalism of the last half century or so, and that is why I will not celebrate my day job if I finally get to retire – or, to be more precise, it is the the fact that the damage is unnecessary that is why I will not celebrate.

The inanity of those who have subscribed, willingly or not, to the neoliberal ethos and implemented the “thou shall pretend to be happy even if you’re not” toxic positivity rubbish means that I shall very grumpily snap at any IPOC who suggests I “stay in touch”, or “join our social media group”, or “seek to continue to contribute to our profession’s national organisation”, or regrets my departure and the loss of my knowledge after I retire.

If I do retire, for the sake of my health and wellbeing I will work very hard at forgetting I ever had anything to do with my day job (especially the professional organisations which have been the source of so much damage) as a key part of unpicking the layers of abuse it has dumped on me, so I can try to remember and reconnect with who I really am.


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