Saturday 7 November 2020

Why we should care about: the USA

In a nutshell, we should care about what happens in the USA because the people there are still human beings - many almost out of their minds with fear, albeit fear based on falsehoods, but fear nevertheless. 

This is no different to caring for those living under the oppression of the USSR, Idi Amin, or Pinochet - the errors of the State or a few leaders do not put their victims beyond the pale, and it is the actions of POTUS45 and the USA's centuries-long focus on anti-society, anti-environment, anti-human focus on "individualism", in the sense of lifting oneself by one's bootstraps / overcoming adversity / being "number one" (which is narcissistic and based on proven fallacies - the exit rate from poverty is better in Europe than the USA [see here, here, and here]), that has contributed so much to the harm from the USA that we, the rest of the world are experiencing. 

When the USA was founded, much of it was admirable - but the racism was ALWAYS there, and slavery and paternalism was the vehicle chosen to express that racism for the first century or so of that nation's existence (until their 13th amendment to their constitution). The intellectual power was exceeded by an economic power was based on (a) growth from immigration, and (b) complete and utter disregard for environmental and social devastation. 

However the USA's influence in the world was often net beneficial, until sometime between the end of World War (part) Two and the escalation of American military actions in Viêt Nám, the balance point shifted, and the USA became a net harmer of the rest of the world (and itself)

But, in the same way that, although the USSR was a net harmer of the world, but its people deserved care, so too do those in the USA - even now. 

Incidentally, although the USA did a great deal to stop the USSR's military expansionism, it's failure to understand that George Keenan's containment strategy also called for the key to be building democracy means that the USA did a great deal of harm - and the devastation  caused  in  Central  America by Reagan, which is the source of many of the refugees that have been trying to flee to the USA in recent years, is a perfect example of why I have nothing but loathing for that silver tongued snake. 

But those people fleeing the US-initiated violence in Central America are deserving of our care because they are human - in fact, even their scarred tormentors also have the inherent dignity of being a sentient being, and thus have rights and deserve our consideration (although the respect and consideration owed to their victims means that the tormentors must first be prevented from doing any harm, just as the right of people to health must, for the moment, override rights such as being able to move around)

The human beings in the USA, on all sides of the various political and other divides, all have that inherent dignity that arises from the fact of their existence - even POTUS45. 

All are deserving of our care, and that, not the unfounded claims to moral, intellectual or political superiority (aka "exceptionalism") is why we should care about the USA and what happens in it - even as, much as actions should be taken to contain the harm of thugs in Central America, we must act to insulate ourselves from the harms committed by the large influence of that deeply flawed nation, the USA. 

PS - some interesting comments on the class divisions in the USA in this video commentary:
"Shields and Brooks on election results, national divisions"

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