Friday 30 August 2019

More evil from John Howard and the neoliberals

It now turns out that, contrary to the narrative we were sold at the time, that Australia's neoliberal government was NOT supportive of East Timor's quest to break free of the highly abusive Indonesian occupation - see

No wonder Australia's government took such a hardline over the Timor Sea gas field - and, given their aggression towards "Witness K" and more recent whistleblowers, I can only conclude with:
What else are they hiding?
It would be easy to include the mandarin (secretary) of the ultra-right hyper-big Home Affairs Department in this diatribe, but his actions were unprofessional and inappropriate (in pub parlance: "stupid") to the extent that he should resign or be sacked. He has also worked for the ALP over his long years of service, but he has consistently been hardline in his attitudes, and fails to see the broader damage that he is doing (e.g., to access to information that voters need to make informed decision). So he's . . . unwise, not evil.

Meanwhile, I am times wonder, in moments of despair, if the ideologues of the neoliberal party are trying to kill older people to reduce having to pay pensions? Their viciousness and unwillingness to show charity, consideration or compassion is known well through things like the appalling abuses of robodebt, expectations of single parents on social security, cut backs to workers that have destroyed consumer confidence, tests and controls of those on social security (see, for instance, here), attacks on health care for anyone who isn't rich, refusal to address increasing inequality or declining housing affordability, and things like extending the working age but - by not addressing things like worker insurance, which other governments are addressing for groups like building inspectors, not making it possible to get jobs!

Older Australians are being left at serious risk of health problems for a range of reasons - including mortgage stress.

So, as I asked . . . are they trying to get out of pensions by killing us off?

(The reality is they're not, but they are so stupid about what they are doing that they may as well be.)

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