Friday 13 August 2021

Pollie response problems

The problem with some of the neolib pollies isn't that they don't respond, it is that they respond inappropriately.

As an example, in response to concerns about the damage being done to refugees in our care, the utterly evil John Howard introduced measures to charge our victims the cost of medical care. Scott, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, has responded with jingles and marketing strategy (a criticism I've also read has been directed to other leaders of large nations that are supposedly democracies). Barnaby has responded to warnings of the crisis that will eventuate from climate change, and the devastation that will cause everyone's economy, by wanting to know how much the preventative cure will cost.

And the scariest thing?

People were so duped they voted for these clowns when their problems were obvious.

It's not enough to blame the media, or a "low-target" opposition: some voters experienced all that, but made an informed choice to not vote for the neolibs.

What was wrong with the others that they didn't? 

Do we need to teach critical thinking more effectively in schools, and have some remedial teaching of adults?

That might also help avoid people being duped by commercial propaganda (aka "advertising").

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