Sunday 22 September 2019

Are neoliberals setting things up for their third rate manager mates?


Let me be clear that the evil philosophy of neoliberalism has many, many, many problems, ranging from the "gig" economy / insecure work, through unreasonable and counterproductive work conditions, to appalling damage to society and the environment, but the neoliberals I've met (mostly in the workplace) are genuine in their beliefs - misguided and wrong, but genuine (which is important to keep in mind when working out how to change their minds). They genuinely, if misguidedly, think their dreadful philosophy will make things better for people.

Other problems, such as the underpayment of workers, are a mixture of greed, callousness (what I consider "incompetence at being human"), poor management, complex laws, consumer demand / pressure (especially on cheaper prices - which is an abdication  of responsibility I am currently preparing a post about), and neoliberalism.

Also, I have NO evidence of cronyism (if anyone does, I urge them to take the matter to the police for investigation), and, in fact, many, if not most managers / business leaders are more progressive, in many ways, than the national neoliberal nightmare we are currently enduring - which is a situation that has been developing ever since the era of Dinosaurus Abottii Tonicus.

(Why no, I don't know Latin - why do you ask?).

The neoliberals have actually called on those managers who are ahead of them to come back to where they are, which is waaaaay behind the pack.

Yes, there are third rate managers - I endured a couple in the 80s and 90s, but, in my experience, it is ineptness at being human that made them third rate, more than their political/management philosophies.

There are also brilliant, first rate managers - I have a couple now, and had another in the 2000s. 

There are, in my opinion, other problems with too many project managers, managers and business leaders that need to be addressed, but being cronies of the neoliberals is not one of those.

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