Thursday 21 November 2019

Some good news environmentally

Something that many people have been urging in Australia for many years now is for us to export our solar power to the world. There have been a couple of projects underway in northwestern and northern Australia for some time now, aimed at exporting power to Indonesia.

Now, finally, we have some serious investment that will move this along - see here.

(interesting to see Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest is involved: he has some business faults [such as his opposition to the resource rent], but he has also shown signs of being ahead of the times in many ways - philanthropically, but of particular interest to me was that Mr Forrest was an anti-modern slavery activist long before it was in public consciousness.) 

The other piece of good news is the development of greener cement for making concrete - see here. I have long felt the best way for Australians to build houses is using materials that don't burn, like concrete - which is common practice in South America.

It means we can start doing what Europe has for ages, and build the structures (or "shells", some would term it) of houses to last for centuries, which is the best way to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as building houses that have half a chance of lasting fires (internal fire load from books, clothes, curtains, etc can still be significant, as can outdoor furniture, etc), and that starts to people people and animals a quarter of a chance on extreme fire days.

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