Friday 31 March 2023

The state of the world is amathia [Content Warning: suffering, violence]

I am writing this in my (rented) home in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia, having just been texting to a friend two hours away while they were being harassed on a bus in a regional town in my home state. 

My family is fortunate I earn enough (at the expense of my health) that we can at least afford to rent a reasonable home: we cannot afford to buy a home, and many people are homeless, because millions of Australians were caught up in a staggering and still ongoing display of amathia in response to the blatant evil of former PM John Howard, but heres the truth: no, you will never be a rich IPOC through property ownership

Business is whinging in todays media that a pay rise to catch up with inflation will be a problem, but heres the truth: it is corporate greed and deception about that greed that is causing our financial woes

John Howards evil legacy also shows in the white supremacist racism which has also become so blatant and entrenched in our society - and has opened for other forms of hate, including xenophobia which has denied the obvious humanity of refugees and the reality of (international) laws that we had agreed to and now decided to break, conditions that spread domestic violence and child abuse, and the ever more blatant LGBTIQA+ and trans hate, but heres the truth: we are still as human as those we hate, and the distraction of externally focused hate does not cure our self hate and fear and insecurity.

We have taken what seemed the easy way out - including indulging in materialistic greed, but heres the truth: all we have done is allow our world to be destroyed - including through climate change.

Open your eyes, people! Start acting like adults who are capable of taking a step back, looking at the broader picture, and doing something different for the sake of a better world - for your children, if you are too selfish and small-minded to do it for humanity. We need to be progressive - truly progressive, not superficially (addiction to power impels people to act in the interest of the most numerous of various lowest common denominators - including acting against things like the Voice that have been made essential by centuries of white supremacist colonising), and less greedy and materialistic, and to understand that we are all connected in the politico-socio-economic and emotional soup that we call human society. 

For those who are too lazy to click on the link to amathia, heres the definition:


As of 28thMarch, 2023, that definition was: 


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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.


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