Saturday 8 April 2023

Another week, another anti-trans hate submission ...

It seems like I have to take some form of transactivism every few days - and, as with this person, I am writing for my life as well as that of others. Below is the latest - sent to the Museum, but copied also to the relevant Minister and my local MLA.

Dear Museums Victoria,

I was disturbed to read that you are including the work of a notorious transhater in a planned display - especially so, given recent events such as n___s supporting transhaters at public events, which has caused considerable distress, damage to mental health, and fear amongst the trans and gender diverse (TGD) community, including families, friends and allies of TGD people.

I urge you to reconsider that decision - or, at the very least, to ensure you have considered the safety and wellbeing of TGD patrons, including installing warning signs such as would be provided at displays of, for instance, genocide, and, in particular, ensuring that security staff are trained and aware of the savagery of misgendering, and that TGD people reacting to being subjected to such abuses are not the problem - the misgendering abusers are.

I also note that you have displayed policies for disabled access (although I understand there have been problems with implementation), First Peoples and repatriation of ancestral remains (which I am very pleased to see), and that you have had some LGBTIQA+ displays (here and here), but you do not appear to have a TGD or even an LGBTIQA+ policy. I suggest that, in this day and age, having such a publicly accessible policy would be appropriate.

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below.

Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.

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