Saturday 23 January 2021

Incorrect media reports: it's not a trade "war"

The term "war" implies two sides are fighting. In the case of China's economic attacks on Australia, China is behaving aggressively, but not Australia. 

We have taken some matters to court, but that is presenting them to an independent arbiter - to pretend that is an act of aggression would require being as stupid as trump, the psychopath formerly in charge of the USA. 

By continuing to misrepresent the situation, the media are implying that Australia is doing something wrong (and thereby actively obstructing a solution to the problem), and that is utter BS - or does the media think standing up for human rights is wrong or somehow an act of aggression? 

As for the concept of never interfering in another's internal matters: 

  1. To call commenting or criticising "interference" also requires being as stupid as trump (decades ago, I wrote a letter for Amnesty International on a prisoner of conscience, and received a reply validly criticising Australia's abuse of Indigenous people: I replied thanking them for their offer to help address that wrong and provided addresses for them to write to, and followed up a couple of months later asking if they had written their letters yet);
  2. Tibet was violently invaded and occupied, and thus is an occupied nation, and the actions China is committing there are genocide; 
  3. Genocides within a nation's territory are matters of concern for the whole world - as specifically set out in the Genocide  Convention, and as made clear by R2P.

Stop writing as if you're a Murdoch acolyte, and start being accurate.

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