Sunday 17 January 2021

trump's attempted coup shows the need for emotional and human competence

Something that has hit home very hard with this video is that, although the violent insurrectionists were overwhelmingly predominantly white and overwhelmingly predominantly male, there were enough women and professionals/business owners there to emphasise that the focus of action to reverse/prevent this violent radicalisation (and experts in that field were issuing warnings) has to be not only on those who lost out from globalisation, but others - who, I suspect, are showing signs of emotional immaturity or incompetence: people lacking in empathy and/or other characteristics of emotional intelligence. 

"Healing the nation" is not going to be enough: chronological adults in the USA - around 70 million of 'em - and elsewhere have to be taught how function constructively, capably, and maturely with healthy emotions . . . have to be taught how to have empathy . . . have to be taught how to see through propaganda and thus think for themselves (properly - those claiming to "have done their own research" are clearly doing so off the back of a cereal box, but if they haven't been taught how to identify errors, inconsistencies and problems, we as a society [globally] have only ourselves to blame!) . . . have to be taught that democracy is not build on blind, mindless and uncritical loyalty to a personality like some sort of slavering thing. 

We also need to address - globally - the infestation of white supremacism and other forms of bigotry that afflict police forces, security forces, and militaries. Data shows "Authorities are more than twice as likely to break up a left-wing protest than a right-wing protest", and there is at least one law suit underway over the excessive violence police used against BLM protestors. 

I am also, as I read the many comments pointing out the difference in response to trump's attempted coup and the BLM protests, very aware of the racist element. From this post of mine

In the case of the protests outside the 1968 US DNC, there is a very important fact - shown in the title of Mr Schultz's book about the protests, which is "No One Was Killed: The Democratic National Convention, August 1968" (Mr Schultz's book about the trial is "The Conspiracy Trial of the Chicago Seven"). As Mr Schultz discusses, there were black people killed by the police just before and after the protests, including during the utterly botched "trial", and yet, despite the police being "white faced" with anger and clearly wanting to do more, no (white) protestors - nor any of the innocent bystanders police assaulted - were killed.

Also from that same post, and keeping in mind this more recent post of mine

The media in 1968 who reported on the moments of violence without explaining the context and the lead up were not reporting the news: they were describing sensationalist snapshots and creating a false impression in the minds of their readers/viewers.

They were the other tools used by Daley to destroy the prospects of a Democratic victory in the 1968 US Presidential election.

The media at BLM protests who focused on violence committed by black people were unbalanced and therefore unprofessional (or even incompetent) in their coverage . . . the media at BLM protests who focused on violence that had been triggered by police abuses without providing that context were unbalanced and therefore unprofessional (or even incompetent) in their coverage . . . the media who presented racist/white supremacist views as "balance" to those seeking justice, or presented #45's racist/white supremacist views without criticism, were unbalanced and therefore unprofessional (or even incompetent) in their coverage - and could be considered racist or white supremacist themselves.

There were and still are a lot of excellent journalists/media outlets (notably The Guardian and their journalists, Laura  Tingle and Stan  Grant, and The Conversation), but the credibility of the media as a whole is being destroyed by Murdoch and his ilk.

As a final point, just as we have implemented lockdowns to contain the pandemic, we need to, as societies across the globe, implement WIDELY the principles of Cure  Violence and have "violence interruptors" as much as police - and the violence interruptors need to be able to work on the police, who can BE the problem as often - or more often - than not.

Finally, the charges continue to accrue. At the date of first publishing this post: 

In total, this database has documents for 88 individuals charged in relation to the violence on Capitol Hill. Of those individuals, there are 55 federal cases and 27 cases in the D.C. Superior Court.

Approx. 270 investigations are underway.

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