Thursday 21 January 2021

Welcome to a world where an unstable psychopath does not hold the keys to the USA's nuclear weapons

After a four year nightmare, preceded by two increasingly worrying years, the world has taken a step back towards decency with the removal of twice impeached, corrupt psychopath and attempted coup leader trump from the position of elected monarch of the Unexceptional States of America. 

In his place, the USA now  has (46th) President  Joe  Biden, and (49th) Vice-President  Kamala  Harris.

The election of Kamala Harris breaks several barriers - first woman and first member of two minority groups to hold that position, and this is both important and an accomplishment to celebrate.

The election of the Biden-Harris team stops the rot and massive damage that trump was causing - anyone who thinks it was in any way acceptable for trump to stay in power until the perfect - or a better candidate - was elected is, frankly, a moron (another four years would have seen the USA wind up with widespread violence and possibly civil war - recovery would been unlikely, although the USA's position of power has probably been ended, which, IF democratic nation step up, is a good thing).

And Biden is not a particularly progressive candidate, but that is what happens when you don't prepare the electorate by effectively arguing your case throughout most of it - which is a task for progressives, not the US Democratic party, and similarly, in other nations is also a task for progressives, not specific parties, if you want it driven by principles, rather than being modified to suit political realities.

You must take people with you on the journey. 

Biden sees his task as healing and re-unifying his nation. The situation is very similar, in many ways (in my opinion), to that in the USA just after the US Civil War, when Lincoln's assassination left a corrupt (he was impeached) political choice of Vice-President and evidently white supremacist Andrew  Jackson in charge, who caused massive damage (a lot of which was undone by his flawed [politically naïve - too trusting] successor, President Grant).

Democracy in the USA is still at risk: 70 million people in the USA voted for the tyrant trump, some were so gullible and stupid that trump persuaded them to attempt a coup on his behalf - before he abandoned them to their fate, and others around the world have drunk the trumpism Kool  Aid

And their fate is still being decided. The coup continues to be investigated, and trump did not use his pardon power on his sheeple, nor his family or himself - which had been my biggest fear (although he did abuse it)

More broadly, the fate of democracy globally and of the world generally also remains to be decided - despots like Museveni, Lukashenko, Putin, Xi, and Kim still hold power, and, aided and abetted by incompetent  "thinking", populism, and neoliberalism, are actively attacking the rights and wellbeing of societies and people across the world. 

We're down one tyrant, but there are more to be - peacefully - dealt with, with will necessarily include raising the consciousness of their puppets, and we still face the existential threats of nuclear  weapons and THE CLIMATE  CRISIS.

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