Sunday 26 February 2023

Concerns over Victoria's proposed compulsory online medical records system

This is an edited (to protect personal information) extract from an email I sent to my local State representative:

Dear Member for _,

The AMA have shown (here, on The Guardian website) their arrogance, intellectual incompetence, and unprofessionalism in a recent article where they tried to "give reassurance" on privacy aspects of the proposed compulsory online medical records bill now making its way through Parliament:
  • as reported, they have not actually commented on the risks - which were exemplified by the Medibank, Optus and other data breaches recently. This makes their claims of a 99% benefit to 1% cost utterly ludicrous - grotesquely so (I would suggest, in fact, that they need to listen to their psychological colleagues instead of assuming that physical medicine experts can assess all risks - and they should also listen to true experts on privacy risks);
  • the risks for trans and gender diverse people are particularly extreme given the spread of the transgenocide overseas, the presence of people in Australia with the same sort of mindset, and the possible further infection of Australia with that evil mindset;
  • the grave risks that data could be used to discriminate - as exemplified by the evil proposal in [another state] to create a register of trans people and our dead names, but also in work applications (and the gravely concerning insecurities of workplace storage of personal information is an area that will become, I consider, increasingly problematic).
Above all else is the LIKELIHOOD that people will not seek assistance - ESPECIALLY FOR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS.

As it is, some trans people do not disclose being trans - on the basis of experienced transphobic abuse.

The Premier has stated that the Bill will enable better protections: they will need to be independent of all those associated with the massive stuff ups to date, ensure that code is rewritten from scratch without budget constraints f the sort that stuffed up the NDIA initially, and will have to be subject to public scrutiny by people of the standing of Bruce Schneier for this to have ANY chance of trust.

And the twerps (I have had to rewrite this several times, given the impact it could have on so many people - and the sense of utter powerlessness that it is causing) at the AMA need to be sacked for incompetence and misleading the public.

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