Monday 1 February 2021

A preliminary reaction to the apparent coup in burma

I had thought that the military in burma would be content with their 51% hold over the pseudo-democracy (through having key Ministerial roles, a minimum percentage of seats, and limiting the role of [racist] Aung Sung Suu Chi) and their big (against the Rohingya) and smaller (against the other minorities swallowed by the extremely aggressive burmese empire before it came across"a bigger fish" and got swallowed itself [by the British empire] ) genocides, but evidently not. 

The burmese military are showing their true colours - their insatiable greed for control and domination; their crippling fear of difference, complexity, and dissent; and their patient manipulation to distract and lull others in a false sense of satisfaction before they strike - by launching a coup (with tinges of trump's mania)

It is time for the world to again make the genocidal burmese military pariahs - it was the economic cost of the sanctions that drove the metathesiophobic military morons to the negotiating table once before; time for it to do so again ... but this time the world needs to make sure there is a true (civilian, free of ALL military interference) democracy. 

And that democracy needs to get rid of its xenophobic hate and bigotry towards the minorities oppressed and murdered and subjected to genocide with the current boundaries of the burmese empire. 

There is an excellent overview of this at

PS - civil resistance to the coup is underway already (actually, some time ago, but we had a prolonged power failure just as I started writing this). Maybe this time - with the informed, active and well-directed actions of the international community, military rule will be ended in more like fifty days than fifty years ... 

PPS - the despotic regimes in China and Russia have blocked condemnation of the coup in the UN Security Council. So take it to the General Assembly.

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