Friday 12 February 2021

Policing in Victoria

A survey is open to Victorians on improving police services. I've just completed it, and urge other Victorians to do likewise. This is an opportunity to have an impact.

The survey is at, and a key section of my response is below (for information only - provide the commentary you wish to)

Police MUST become aware of the impact of situations and others behaviour on members of minorities - LGBTIQ people, people with mental health issues, ethnic groups, and women.

In the past, when I was threatened, police made it clear they were able to take action other than formally laying charges - e.g., talking to people who were being verbally aggressive (i.e., making threats in relation to gender identity, etc). That is a valuable service, and must continue. Actions that diminish confidence in police must be avoided, or dealt with - and some of the idiotic statements by the secretary of the police union have been particularly harmful, as have police using white supremacist gestures (the OK symbol) or having aggressive graffiti on their uniforms. Dealing with that is FAR more important than idiotic concerns such as tattoos - I'm more likely to feel comfortable with a police officer with tattoos than without.

Next, I know police swear to uphold the QUEEN's peace and the law: I consider the law should be first, and then the reference should be to the COMMUNITY being served, not an elitist (upper class) foreigner. I am concerned at the impact this has on the psychology of police - for example, elite's see protest and dissent as troubling and take a hard line on such matters, whereas someone serving the community first and the upper class would see that protests are, in fact, an essential part of democracy.

Finally, I am very concerned at the slow accumulation of psychological damage to police. In the same way that soldiers serving in a war are rotated from combat to relief situations, I consider police should be rotated from crime-based duties to periods where they are solely focused on community-building activities, and that such should be monitored to determine the time period required for various personality types in order for it to be effective. For instance, a personality inclined towards authoritarianism may need two or three times "off-line" and focused on being supportive, whereas a more normal person may be OK with a 50-50 split. I am aware that this would require an increase to funding, increased numbers, and education so the community understand that policing is not just about "cops and robbers", and completely support the increased funding and resources for the sake of the communities being served.

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