Saturday 28 January 2023

What is WRONG with people - especially US police? CW: Tyre Nichols and police violence

In May last year I wrote about “emotional, psychological, social, intellectual, legal, and MORAL blindness to cruelty, and everything I wrote about has been illustrated by the police officers who have been charged with murdering Tyre Nichols. 

Whilst the principle of innocent until proven guilty still applies to the charges, the reality of the conduct shown in the vidoes raises some serious questions outside of those charges: 

  • firstly, the issues raised by Tyres mother, RowVaughn Wells: “Tyre Nichols’s mother says she feels sorry for the five Memphis police officers who are charged with killing her son by beating him “to a pulp”, but says they brought “shame on their own families and the Black community” ”
  • secondly, what the hell sort of culture does that police force have? Quoting Tyre's mother again: “The humanity of it all. Where was the humanity? They beat my son like a pi​ñata”.
    There have been considerable problems with US - and other - police forces for decades - see here, here, here, and here (my earliest recollection of this was the police beating of Rodney King - with serious concerns about the court cases, and evidence, IMO, of PTSD from the beating). In recent years, the now  notorious  Dave  Grossman has been associated with US police killing the people they are supposed to protect by misusing his military research to teach POLICE them to WRONGLY think and act as if they are on a battlefield.
    This, however, went way beyond that - if soldiers behaved the way those police did, they would be charged (this video is useful). There is a problem that too many police seem to have, and that is thinking they are an authority that must always be obeyed - they are traumatising people not so the police can be safe, but so the police can feel
    “superior”, or “in charge”, or “dominant”. This problem crops up in too many authority situations - see this;
  • thirdly, the police give every indication of being set up to protect the property of rich white elites.

I've seen film of the unprovoked violence of police against civil rights protestors in the 60s, and read the descriptions of them being white faced and quivering with hate. This is the emotion of the white supremacist wanting to do a lynching combined with the emotion of a petty bureaucrat who hasn’t received the worship they consider their due. 

It’s been more than decades, it’s been centuries. This abuse of authority by petty officials has gone on for long enough: when are elected representatives going to DO THEIR JOBS and stop it? 

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