Friday 30 June 2023

The callousness of some cisgender people - and the irresponsibility of some local Council staff, and the lying, hypocritical cowardice of some corporations

Its late, but I cant sleep. 

Ive just read on LinkedIn of a few cisgender people who thought it was funny to be misgendered in airport security. 

Its not - it threatens the wellbeing of many trans and gender diverse (TGD) people, and combined with pat downs that go into private” areas (no adults only filter, hence the euphemism), is traumatic for TGD people and survivors of sexual assault, and responsible for a decline in the number of people who use air travel. 

Ive posted about that decline before, so I wont repeat the numbers (although I may try  to find and link to them at some future stage), but I know TGD people who havent flown for over a decade because of this - and their careers have suffered as a result. 

It is way past time that the incompetents in all forms of security started to accept that they are causing trauma equivalent to sexual assault and other forms of trauma. Theyre not just saving lives: theyre also putting some at risk. 

It is also high time for people who probably think theyre trans-allies to stop TRIVIALISING the behaviour that causes deaths - the article concerned ACTIVELY encouraged others to view this matter as something of little significance or even a source of humour - the articles last piece of advice is ... laugh!!!

Such people are far from being trans-allies: they are, in fact, being transPHOBEs allies, and giving them ammunition for every -denying exchange in a workplace along the lines of “stop being so serious - get a sense of humour”.

This is the exact same sort of abuse that is objected to when it happens to women - and it was predominantly women who were involved in trivialising this problem at the airport in the comments on the article (I dont know how the author identifies).

I would also like to know why the death threats against children made to local councils by a few dozen right wing child abusing bigots have not been reported to police. 

Are the Councils headed by the sort of moral cowards who head corporations trying to hypocritically cash in off pro-LGBTIQA+ publicity but then becoming craven cowards who cave in to christo-fascist minorities without even challenging the christo-fascists on their wrong views of christianity - or the FACT that many christians are inclusive?



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