Tuesday 24 September 2024

On Peter Dutton [Note: Content Warning - links to reports on, and discussion of, bigotry/hate. Reader discretion is advised]

Note: CONTENT WARNING - some of this content is about upsetting, disturbing or triggering events & attitudes. Seek competent help - including professional - if you need it. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that linked articles may contains names and/or images of deceased people. READER CAUTION IS RECOMMENDED! For anyone distressed by anything in this post, or for any other reason considering seeking support, resources are available in Australia here, here, and here. In other nations, you will have to do an Internet search using terms such as mental health support - <your nation>(which, for instance, may lead to this, this, and this, in the USA, or this, this, and this, in France [biased towards English-language - my apologies]), or perhaps try https://www.befrienders.org/

Today I came across the following: 

“Dutton vows to abolish First Nations Ambassador role on “day one”, if elected”   https://nit.com.au/23-09-2024/13855/dutton-pledges-to-axe-first-nations-ambassador-role-on-day-one-if-elected     

This is extremely concerning, as is: 

“Why did we call Peter Dutton racist? And does it matter?”   https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/09/17/crikey-series-peter-dutton-racist-insider/   “Calling out Peter Dutton's racist remarks was as much about mapping the growing role of white grievance as about examining his character.”     

This is consistent with what I have found, or written about previously. See: 

“Some thoughts on the Hon. P. Dutton, MP [Note: Content Warning - links to reports on bigotry/hate, SA/CSA, violence/abuse. Reader discretion is advised]”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/08/some-thoughts-on-hon-peter-dutton-mp.html      

“Australians’ are not so good overall ...”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/08/australians-are-not-so-good-overall.html      

“On democracy”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/07/on-democracy.html      

“The neoliberals’ contempt towards the human species (my words)”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-neoliberals-contempt-towards-human.html      

“The savagery of white supremacism in Australia [Content Warning - racism, white supremacism]”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-savagery-of-white-supremacism-in.html      

“Follow up to “Is Peter Dutton evil?””   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2021/05/follow-up-to-is-peter-dutton-evil.html      

“Our third, and more on Morrison”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2020/01/our-third-and-more-on-morrison.html      

“Is Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison evil?”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2020/01/is-australias-prime-minister-scott.html      

“Is Peter Dutton evil?”   https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2018/06/is-peter-dutton-evil.html      

The following news articles on Peter Dutton have been included in posts on this blog:  

“Peter Dutton is Australia’s figurehead of fear and fake news, like Trump but without charisma”   https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2023/oct/14/peter-dutton-is-australias-figurehead-of-fear-and-fake-news-like-trump-but-without-charisma      

“Peter Dutton walks back offer of second referendum after voice poll”   https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/16/peter-dutton-second-referendum-australian-indigenous-voice-to-parliament-poll     

“Peter Dutton is the exploding fire hydrant of politics, pushing his party to the angry fringes and electoral oblivion”   https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/06/peter-dutton-is-the-exploding-fire-hydrant-of-politics-pushing-his-party-to-the-angry-fringes-and-electoral-oblivion     

“Paul Bongiorno: The vibe is killing the Voice … just as Peter Dutton intended”   https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/2023/09/12/paul-bongiorno-the-vibe/   “Peter Dutton, in one of the most shameless exhibitions of gaslighting, blamed Anthony Albanese for mishandling what he disingenuously called the “Canberra Voice”.”  This is a major critique, and should, in my opinion, be read and thought about.   

‘New low’: Peter Dutton accused of seeking to ‘undermine’ faith in Australia’s electoral system   https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/29/indigenous-voice-to-parliament-peter-dutton-sarah-hanson-young-new-low     

 And also: 

“International students say ‘we’ve not come illegally’ after Peter Dutton makes ‘boat arrivals’ comparison”   https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/sep/27/peter-dutton-2gb-radio-interview-international-students-boat-arrivals   “Opposition leader’s comments on 2GB prompt warnings ‘unwelcome atmosphere’ will deter people from studying in Australia”     


Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following:

  • this blog states quite clearly that it is about political and human rights matters, including lived experience of problems, and thus I will assume readers are reasonable people who have noted the content warning in the post header;

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking”; 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.



If they are of any use or interest, the activism information links from my former news posts are available in this post.  

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below

Note that, as with my main blog [see here], I am cutting back on aspects of my posts.

Remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing, and all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering”.

Copyright © Kayleen White 2016-2024     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike basis   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/  


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